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If you care about the direction of this country you will send this viral folks...

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If you care about the direction of this country you will send this viral folks... Empty If you care about the direction of this country you will send this viral folks...

Post by shakes4life Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:21 am

Send this viral folks…..

The video below is a compilation of what the media thinks of us…They
are saying it all up front, peon’s need not apply, just shut-up and
listen, we will tell you what to think, and we fart in your general
direction, all that and more.

I included the link, should be listed below.

I am bored/Top Tier?

Ron Paul: Black THIS Out Media Cover Up

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If you care about the direction of this country you will send this viral folks... Empty Re: If you care about the direction of this country you will send this viral folks...

Post by Jewelz Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:47 am

shakes4life, no need to worry or concern ourselves with all this corrupt stuff, it is all going away with a change over and with Nesara common law and truth telling or they won't have a seat period.

The media are all owned and controlled by Rupert Murdock paid to lie manipulating everyone covering up truth information. You know this. The TV is the illuminatis best invention for keeping the coma-toasted sedated public sheeple spoon fed so most of the media outlets you can imagine are all complicit in the crimes against humanity and until things change they have gag orders and they are not allowed to tell truth information, they only report the news.

Unless of course all of the media were to join together and take the chance to stand up for the people and risk losing their high paying jobs and all come together to be a force to be reckoned with and let the cat out of the bag and start exposing all the criminals..

The game would be over in a heart beat - but they are not going to do it because they are obedient polite slaves of the system and they are not going to ruffle any feathers because they need that paycheck to look good while their country gets trashed - so they can report it to you while it happens -

But then, most of the media people reporting the news are kept in the dark about everything and mind controlled themselves and don't know what the truth is anyway,,, for all of the years they have been reporting news information,, not paying attention to conspiracy information they don't believe in.

Nesara will take care of all of the structures that are holding up and supporting every aspect of our criminal society. The truth will be allowed to be told and the information will flow like you never saw before and people will be able to speak their minds - say what they mean and mean what they say without compromise or self concern - as it should be - right now everyone is too polite and lying to themselves and each other - they get their sensitive feelings hurt too easily if you say the wrong thing the wrong way -

You cannot tell the truth right now because people can still shoot you if they don't like it - so when the weapons are disarmed and not able to fire then you don't have to fear for your life from upsetting peoples screwed up belief systems they were given that has caused them to be emotionally dismembered so they can't get along with you while graveling with all of their grave psychological problems -

It will be safe to tell the truth information pretty soon though not right now - that is when a lot of people better watch out when the truth cuts loose because it's gonna hurt them - right now they can deny it and run from it - but not for long the great awakening is upon them

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If you care about the direction of this country you will send this viral folks... Empty Re: If you care about the direction of this country you will send this viral folks...

Post by shakes4life Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:21 am

Jewelz wrote:shakes4life, no need to worry or concern ourselves with all this corrupt stuff, it is all going away with a change over and with Nesara common law and truth telling or they won't have a seat period.

The media are all owned and controlled by Rupert Murdock paid to lie manipulating everyone covering up truth information. You know this. The TV is the illuminatis best invention for keeping the coma-toasted sedated public sheeple spoon fed so most of the media outlets you can imagine are all complicit in the crimes against humanity and until things change they have gag orders and they are not allowed to tell truth information, they only report the news.

Unless of course all of the media were to join together and take the chance to stand up for the people and risk losing their high paying jobs and all come together to be a force to be reckoned with and let the cat out of the bag and start exposing all the criminals..

The game would be over in a heart beat - but they are not going to do it because they are obedient polite slaves of the system and they are not going to ruffle any feathers because they need that paycheck to look good while their country gets trashed - so they can report it to you while it happens -

But then, most of the media people reporting the news are kept in the dark about everything and mind controlled themselves and don't know what the truth is anyway,,, for all of the years they have been reporting news information,, not paying attention to conspiracy information they don't believe in.

Nesara will take care of all of the structures that are holding up and supporting every aspect of our criminal society. The truth will be allowed to be told and the information will flow like you never saw before and people will be able to speak their minds - say what they mean and mean what they say without compromise or self concern - as it should be - right now everyone is too polite and lying to themselves and each other - they get their sensitive feelings hurt too easily if you say the wrong thing the wrong way -

You cannot tell the truth right now because people can still shoot you if they don't like it - so when the weapons are disarmed and not able to fire then you don't have to fear for your life from upsetting peoples screwed up belief systems they were given that has caused them to be emotionally dismembered so they can't get along with you while graveling with all of their grave psychological problems -

It will be safe to tell the truth information pretty soon though not right now - that is when a lot of people better watch out when the truth cuts loose because it's gonna hurt them - right now they can deny it and run from it - but not for long the great awakening is upon them

Hi Jewlz.....I understand what you say but until all this takes place I think it is best to put Dr. Paul's vision out there at least until the great awakening takes place....thanks for your post....I always enjoy reading what you have to say.....PEACE BE WITH YOU! Smile
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