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3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology!

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3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology! Empty 3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology!

Post by Purpleskyz Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:12 pm

3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology!
February 20, 2014
3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology! Chapter-6-figure-1
How did ancient Egyptians know about modern day aircraft?
As depicted in 2-3,00 year old hieroglyphics, it would appear they had knowledge of ancient aircraft.
Did the Sons of God teach the Egyptians this technology?
Or, were the ancient Egyptians of the Nephilim bloodline, as some scholars believe?
This finding has caused much controversy among Egyptologists and archaeologists who are not sure what to think.
Not only ancient Egyptians knew about modern day aircraft, also the ancient Inca civilization had knowledge of modern aircraft.
The 3,000 year-old hieroglyphics and the Incas ancient aircraft is proof for a lost technological society.

Further evidence of flight can be found in the civilizations of South America, one such case is at the Mayan site of Nah Chan Palenque, now present day Chiapas, Mexico. During the height of the Classic Maya civilization, Lord Pacal Votan ruled the empire of Nah Chan Palenque for 52 years. He was revered as the chief engineer of the Maya who guided the mission to inscribe the stone monuments with precise astronomical information during the 10th Baktun or 435-830 AD, information passed down from their Aryan Ancestors. On the cover of Lord Pacal Votans sarcophagus is inscribed an image, which without much stretch of the imagination, appears to be the great lord piloting a rocket.
3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology! Chapter-6-figure-2
This Image appears to be an artistic representation of Lord Pacal Votan piloting what the Maya believed a rocket would have looked like, with fire and smoke spewing from all sided and control panels to operate it. Though it is unlikely that the Maya had actually seen a real rocket, what is more likely is that this is an artistic representation of information passed down throughout the generations from the antediluvian civilization whom were the ancient ancestors of the Maya. Lord Pacal Votan was undoubtedly a descendent of the Aryan ruling class as he is depicted as being extremely tall, white skinned, and having an elongated skull. His monolithic sarcophagus is 5 feet 5 inches high, 6 feet 10 inches wide and 9 feet 9 inches long. The massive, 5 ton cover slab is 12 and one half feet long by 7 feet inches wide and 8 inches thick. Estimates as to Lord Pacal Votans height range from 7 to 8 feet tall, yet his skeleton is not visible to the public, being kept in obscurity by the academic community.
Ancient Mayan Space Vehicle Reverse Engineered
Other representations of flying machines have also been found in South America in Incan tombs. These golden figurines are obvious representations of fixed-wing aircraft complete with tail rudder. But further still, these designs were proven to be working models by Peter Belting, Algund Eenboom, and Conrad Lübbers in 1994 when they built scaled up replicas of these figurines, attached engines to them, and made them fly complex aerial maneuvers.
3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology! Chapter-6-figure-3
Two German aeronautical engineers, Algund Eenboom and Peter Belting, dug the Inca artifacts back into scene, built a propeller-powered scaled replica of one of the artifacts and performed a flight test in 1997.
3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology! Copy-3-of-untitled1
They didn’t any modification in their replica, keeping the exact aerodynamic characteristics of the Inca objects, that were proven actual replicas of 100% functional aircraft, after the stunning successful test. Given Below
3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology! Ancient-mayan-space-vehicle-1
Then, in case anyone still doubted, Belting and Eeboom took everyone out into the parking lot of the Orlando Florida Mall  … and once again, put the “thousand-year-old” (if not far older …) jet-powered aircraft through its paces for the astonished crowd.
 This time, live …
3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology! Ancient-mayan-space-vehicle-3

Thanks to: www.oom2.com

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Join date : 2011-08-16
Location : Woodstock Nation

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3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology! Empty Re: 3,000 Year-Old Hieroglyphics Depict Modern Day Technology!

Post by dinarstar Sat Mar 01, 2014 6:59 pm

I read about these and more in Erich von Daniken's books, thought provoking stuff for sure.

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